Friday, April 18, 2008

Compiling The Final Flash Files #3

Each team member got assigned to do at least ONE interview scene, since Sharon had already completed one, we all used her's as a template to quicken the workload and if needed we changed the background, character and the text. Shakel did Suzy and Shax Interview Scenes.

Since I'd already done quite a few scenes on Flash we all came to the agreement that I would just do ONE interview scene. Therefore, I chose to do the Bus Drivers Interview Questions.

Since Ben had done the 'Intro' scene and the 'Walking out and to the Museum' scene we thought it would be best if he did the Security Guard Interview Question since that was what we wanted the game to follow on to.

Sharon had already done one Interview scene, Janitor's, therefore we let her do another Interview scene and she chose to do the Shop Keepers Interview Questions.

When compiling all the interview scenes together into one Final Flash file I came across a problem where object and file names were the same and therefore wasted quite a lot of time going through each team members Flash files and renaming the objects and file names so we all had different file names and they wouldn't over-write one another when putting it all into one Flash file.

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