Monday, April 28, 2008

Flash: Finishing touches.

I have gone through our now finished and fully working interactive flash application, checking for errors and continuity errors and fixing them as I went along, these errors were small and didn’t take long to change. But I’m thankful that I had the time to check for these errors.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

CD Design Print Out

Ben and Shakel had already designed the Front and Back Cover of the DVD cover, therefore with their images they had used I put together their designs into one and decided to print that onto a DVD to make it look more like a DVD game.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Flash: Adding Audio.

To further push the emotion we wanted to put across to the user, we wanted to use strong moving music in the created scenes, that we hope will mach the emotion of that scene.

The levels of the music were hard to get correct in flash, I had to continually chance the level that it plays at so it is calm and consistent through out the game, but it was worth every second that it took giving allowing the game to reach a user on a more personal level.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Compiling The Flash File #4

Shakel had updated his dumpster scene and so I was then able to put this into the Final Flash file as well. As this was the last scene that needed to be put into the Flash file I did come across a few problems where the buttons did NOT work and therefore had to fix, eventually I did find the problem and managed to fix them. They are now in working order.

Since I'd put all the Flash files into one Final Flash file I had to run several tests to make sure all the buttons worked and all the video's ran smoothly without the audio attached.
Since I'd completed it, I was to pass on the file onto Ben and Shakel to put the Audio into it.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dumpster scene

This is the Flash scene i had to create. The detective has to investigate just outside the museum to find clues. For this scene, i used various transparent buttons as well as fade in for text. It was a very simple process and didn't require much Action script, but the final outcome is very presentable.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Flash: review conversation.

After the user has finished talking to all of the suspects, before they are asked to accuse a suspect they will have a chance to review and go over any of the previous conversations that the user has had, allowing the opportunity to ask questions that they hadn’t previously, and find more evidence again a suspect.

The user will have to click on a suspect in the menu shown above, after they do so they will have a chance to question them again, after this the user will be taken back to this menu. If the user is ready to accuse a suspect they can click the "Accuse a Suspect" button to be taken to the next scene.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Compiling The Final Flash Files #3

Each team member got assigned to do at least ONE interview scene, since Sharon had already completed one, we all used her's as a template to quicken the workload and if needed we changed the background, character and the text. Shakel did Suzy and Shax Interview Scenes.

Since I'd already done quite a few scenes on Flash we all came to the agreement that I would just do ONE interview scene. Therefore, I chose to do the Bus Drivers Interview Questions.

Since Ben had done the 'Intro' scene and the 'Walking out and to the Museum' scene we thought it would be best if he did the Security Guard Interview Question since that was what we wanted the game to follow on to.

Sharon had already done one Interview scene, Janitor's, therefore we let her do another Interview scene and she chose to do the Shop Keepers Interview Questions.

When compiling all the interview scenes together into one Final Flash file I came across a problem where object and file names were the same and therefore wasted quite a lot of time going through each team members Flash files and renaming the objects and file names so we all had different file names and they wouldn't over-write one another when putting it all into one Flash file.