Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Character Bio's

Name: Jack L Spencer

Age: mid 20’s

Sex: Male

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Education: Received a degree from the country’s top criminal law university, exceptionally smart.

Occupation: Private detective

Marital status: Married (no children)

Personality: Very determined at whatever he sets his mind to, never gives up and has never failed a task set to him. Very stubborn and arrogant but is usually always right. He is Strong and silent. He spends more time concentrating on internal thoughts than speaking. He doesn't overlook the details and plans everything in advance

Character flaws: Because he is arrogant, he never accepts help and is often alone. He is closed off and has a relatively limited number of friends.

Character strengths: Is highly independent and can work under serious pressure. A very skilled detective who’s intelligence has saved his life and the life of others on numerous occasions.

Likes: Likes challenges and takes up the most difficult missions. He likes strong coffee and his wife.

Dislikes: He dislikes losing. He cannot stand people who talk too much, they annoy him.

Background info: Started off working with the force but he didn’t like being told what to do or their methods. He went private four years ago and has the highest reputation in the business. Met ***** while working a case for her soon after he went private. They got married two years ago.


Name: Suki Spencer

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black/brown

Education: History related degree with main focus on artefacts. A university graduate with a PHD

Occupation: Museum Curator

Marital status: Married (no children)

Personality: Strong willed and very responsible. Is always very curious and likes to understand people. A very happy person, she loves her life and job. Believes there is always a choice

Character flaws: Her curiosity sometimes gets her in trouble and can sometimes be over sensitive.

Character strengths: Can always be counted on to get anything done. Very friendly and can always bring the best out of a person.

Likes: Likes spending time with her husband. Is a huge fan of any rare artefact and loves the mysteries that history holds.

Dislikes: Dislikes anything that harms the body such as cigarettes

Background info: She comes from a wealthy family who wanted her to follow in the family tradition and become a lawyer. She had no passion for it so she went on her own and worked hard to succeed in life. Found many rare artefacts, some of which she sold to make enough money to construct a museum.


Name: Shax Malik

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Education: History related degree with main focus on artefacts. A university graduate with a PHD

Occupation: Professional Hitman/Thief

Marital status: Not known

Personality: Highly skilled and educated but uses both for wrong deeds. He is not very talkative and is mysterious. Although mean, he does not have a short temper because short tempers lead to mistakes. Always gets his job done no matter how many people it requires killing

Character flaws: Can be too over confident now that he has established himself.

Character strengths: Can be relied upon to get a certain job done. He’s lack of emotion means he never complicates anything.

Likes: Plotting and scheming his next devious plan. Likes gadgets

Dislikes: Everyone

Background info: Well known across the criminal underworld, He started off small but quickly moved up the ranks due to his intelligence and ruthlessness. Thinks Jack will be a good challenge for him


Name: Suzzy Bains

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Education: Currently in university studying science

Occupation: Museum Receptionist (part time)

Marital status: Single

Personality: Very chatty and slightly loopy. She’s very naïve and is excited most of the times. Enjoys her job at the Museum and is very sociable

Character flaws: She can annoy people easily, especially Jack

Character strengths: Makes people laugh and is a great person to have around

Likes: Likes her mobile phone and laptop. Enjoys spending time with friends and going shopping

Dislikes: Dislikes insects and other creepy crawlies. Doesn’t like scary movies because of the blood

Background info: Comes from a wealthy family, living alone in a luxurious flat while studying at university. Is in her final year of university and hopes to become a Geologist. Father recently passed away so Suzzy has inherited her father’s wealth. His dying wish was that she finished university and not rely on the money. She is the insurer for the diamond that has been stolen

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